A set of measures forms each climate adaptation strategy. A list of more than 100 of adaptation measures is available for users, which can be selected to create a particular climate adaptation strategy. A filter in this step will ease you the measures selection. Moreover, if any of the available measures are suitable for your city, new ones can be created.
Perform a Resilience Diagnosis of the city by using RESCCUE methodology and tools such as RAF.
Permeable paving or pervious pavement is a range of sustainable materials and techniques that provide a pavement suitable for pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic, while allowing stormwater to infiltrate through the surface and into the underlying structural layers. Types of surfaces include: modular permeable paving, porous asphalt, grass reinforment, porous concrete, etc. This measure is part of the called Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS).
Individuals and communities that know what to do during unexpected events are invaluable assets to a city. The access to education, information and knowledge empowers citizens and gives them the tools to take appropriate decisions in the face of shocks and stresses. As a consequence, citizens are better positioned to act, learn, and adapt.
Prevent electricity cut off, especially for the most vulnerable people
Establish rules for use of water in the different uses and water use sectors in water stress situations.
Produce a catalogue of tree species according to their capacity for resisting certain extreme climate conditions
Promote innovation and establish links with research centres to generate new knowledge on climate change
Promote rainwater collection and its reuse in buildings
Promote and prioritise energy self-generation using renewable sources and make this accessible to vulnerable households
Promote sustainable use of the sea
Promote the figure of the energy adviser to advise and help people to improve their energy consumption habits
Promote the use of grey water in new housing developments and renovations or for industrial purposes, and study its inclusion in future versions of the Municipal Urban Environment by law
Protecting the specific use of each beach
Provide access to climate information through the Smart Citizens platform and other applications
These type of basins store stormwater during heavy rainfall events, controlling the downstream flow and, consecutively, the flooding risk. Infiltration basins do not have outlet structures and the water level is controlled by the infiltration rate of the soil (if soils are marginally suitable for infiltration trenches may be constructed). Moreover, infiltration basins are not adequate when there is a high groundwater table due to possible contamination.
Conduct campaigns on climate change and its effects through the appropriate media, and widely publicise options and habits that help to combat it
Run publicity campaigns to encourage watersaving on a domestic level
Water can be channelled along streets with raised kerbs and also limit contact with buildings.
Implementation of real time control algorithms and systems (e.g. expert systems, model predictive control, etc.) to optimize the automatic control of existing infrastructures (gates, pumps, valves, etc.) based on intelligent or experts algorithms to optimize water storage, treatment, etc.
Rebuilding of combined sewer systems to separate sewers