A set of measures forms each climate adaptation strategy. A list of more than 100 of adaptation measures is available for users, which can be selected to create a particular climate adaptation strategy. A filter in this step will ease you the measures selection. Moreover, if any of the available measures are suitable for your city, new ones can be created.
Interbasin connection to offer redundancies for water supply
Natural flood management techniques. The rocks take the brunt of the river flow saving the condition of the flood defence structure (for example a retaining wall) preventing wear and tear and reducing the need for replacement or remediation works over time.
The oportunity of supplying homes off-grid will be posible by the microgrid concept which includes the integration of renewable energies at home/buildings/communitites, batteries and regulable loads. Sometimes, it requires interaction with the consumers by sending them consumption recommendations.
Take part in city networks to foster the exchange of good practices and collaborate with benchmark international institutions
Learn more about how climate change will affect the city through European projects such as RESCCUE (2020)
Keep sufficient space in the soil and subsoil to allow for the necessary climate services (greater water infi ltration, better quality soil to allow plants to grow properly, etc.)
Collate records of historic flood events
Placing electrical transformer centers near coasts and rivers on a higher platform or relocating these substations near rivers and coasts more inland.
Offer technical advice on productive roofs and walls at the energy advice points, housing offices and other existing services
Locate and characterise the areas at risk (of extreme heat, flooding, power cuts, availability of water, etc.)
Set up regulations on maintenance of the hydraulic structures and drainage network infrastructures so that their maximum conveyance capacity will be unlimited.
Periodic inspection and maintenance of pumping systems
The structure of the distribution grid can be both radial or meshed. The operation of the distribution grid, though, is only radial. The implementation of a meshed grid facilitates the recovery from a hazardous event.
Minimizing the time the water remains in the supply system to reduce water quality degradation, while in the system especially after treatment
Assess and continually monitor the quality of drinking water and groundwater to see if it is affected by climate impacts such as drought periods or heavy rain
Implement permanent monitoring program, including rain gauges and hydraulic and quality monitoring equipment on main drainage system infrastructures, with direct communication of data to centralised system
Utilise regenerated water from the River Llobregat for the industrial uses of the Zona Franca Consortium and for recharging the aquifer
Naturalise the coast
Location of sediment traps at the main and biggest entrances of rural catchment run-off into the sewer network in order to avoid or reduce the volume of sediments getting into the sewer system
Optimize desalinization plant, in which production is at minimum cost and impact using advanced treatment processes and technologies